Managing forecast scenarios

1 min read

Download forecast CSV template

  1. Go to Cashflows on Payflows
  1. Click Manage forecasts on the top right of your screen
  1. Select the view to generate forecast from
  1. Select the depth at which you want to add forecasted values
  1. Click Download forecast-template.csv
  1. Forecast template has been dowloaded on your device

Import a forecast scenarios

  1. Go to Cashflows on Payflows
  1. Click Manage forecasts on the top right of your screen
  1. Import or drop file (see section just above) and wait until a popup appears
  1. Enter a name for your new forecast scenarios
  1. Choose your forecast currency
  1. Click Save

Delete a forecast scenario

  1. Go to Cashflows on Payflows
  1. Click Manage forecasts on the top right of your screen
  1. Find the forecast you want to delete
  1. Click on the bin icon
  1. Confirm deletion
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