Understanding payment request statuses

1 min read

Understanding payment request status

  • Approval Y/X : the payment request required X approvals and has been already approved Y (eg. for Approval 2/3 : your request required 3 approvals and has been already approved twice)
  • Approved : the payment request has been totally approved and bank order can be created
  • Ready to pay : the bank order has been approved and is being approved in the Bank orders tab
  • Sent to bank : the bank order has been approved and sent to the bank for payment
  • Paid : the payment has been made
  • Declined : the payment request has been declined
  • Payment failed : the payment has failed (refusal by the bank due to available funds, 3D secure verification failed)
  • Cancelled : the payment request has been cancelled

Checking the status of my payment request

  • Go to Payment requests tab on Payflows
  • Check the status of your requisition on the Status column
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