Managing categorization tag rules

1 min read

1st method

  1. Go to Transactions on Payflows
  1. Search the desired transactions with search bar and / or filters
  1. Click on the 4 boxes icon on the right of Import
  1. Choose the tags you want to apply on these transactions
  1. Click Apply then Confirm to apply tag assignation
  1. Click Yes, create a rule to create a rule for all future transactions with same filters

2nd method

  1. Go to Settings on Payflows
  1. Then go to Rules
  1. Click + New rule on the top right of your screen
  1. Filter the transactions you want to tag based on one or various conditions
  1. Choose the tags to apply on transactions based of previous chosen conditions
  1. Click Create categorization rule
  1. Check if existing transactions will be impacted by this rule and choose if you want to apply the rule to all transactions, past transactions or future transactions only
  1. Click Confirm rule create to apply your choice

Editing categorization rules

  1. Go to Settings on Payflows
  1. Then go to Rules
  1. Click Edit on the 3 dots at the far-right of the desired transaction

Duplicating categorization rules

  1. Go to Settings on Payflows
  1. Then go to Rules
  1. Click Duplicate on the 3 dots at the far-right of the desired transaction

Pausing categorization rules

  1. Go to Settings on Payflows
  1. Then go to Rules
  1. Click Pause on the 3 dots at the far-right of the desired transaction

Deleting categorization rules

  1. Go to Settings on Payflows
  1. Then go to Rules
  1. Click Delete on the 3 dots at the far-right of the desired transaction
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